Thursday, November 10, 2011

Service Marketing Mix

Howdy! =] today's blog is about Massachusetts Audubon Society (MAS) and the Marketing Mix. First of all, MAS is a non-profit environmental organization that operates more than 40 wildlife sanctuaries seeks to develop a strategy to increase the loyalty and involvement of its current members.

The MAS serves both as a leader and as a catalyst for conservation, by acting directly to protect the nature of Massachusetts and by stimulating individual and institutional action through education, advocacy, and habitat protection.
General operating fund results from 1999 until 2001 is decrease, especially in membership dues, program income, and non-salary program (volunteer's program or from out source). Those 3 aspects make the overall surplus is decreasing and become the concern of MAS. Like many nonprofits, MAS experienced churn in its membership, with about 20% turning over each year. Although some members remained loyal for life, a board member with expertise in marketing estimated that the average duration of a member relationship that was renewed after the first year was eight years (jadi kalo pada tahun pertama seorang member merasa satisfied dengan apa yang mereka dapatkan, maka itu bisa berlanjut sampe pada tahun ke-8). About 70% of members renewed at the same rate, 20% upgraded, and 10% downgraded. So, looking for a new member is important for MAS because it may covers some important aspects of MAS. Besides, if there is membership means that their mission is achieved.

MAS need to do some approches to retain members and persuade them to upgrade their membership levels:
1. Let people know what they are doing and what this memory is supporting (kejelasan transparansi dari pertanggungjawaban atas laporan keuangan).
2. Message consistency (antar cabang harus sama satu dengan yang lainnya supaya tidak dipikir beda" dan terbitnya majalah MAS juga harus stabil dan konsisten).
3. Better education of member (member harus mendapatkan penjelasan yang jelas mengenai apa saja yang akan didapatnya apabila menjadi member).

Actions that recommended for MAS board need to take are:
1. To reinforce MAS's role and positioning as the leader in conservation, environmental education, and advocacy withing Massachusetts, thus differentiating it from other environmental organizations.
2. To establish a clear, distinctive, contemporary image for the society, portaying it as a dynamic, current, and important.
3. To communicate more cost effectively through better use of all available media and channels.

That's all about MAS, and now let's discuss about the Marketing Mix! =D

1. Price: Skimming (harga jual semahal"nya), penetration (harga murah, banyak kompetitor), psychological (contoh: togamas dengan diskon seumur hidupnya - mengikuti harga pasar namun lebih menguntungkan konsumen), cost-plus (harga standar dan tidak bundling - contoh: Air Asia / Tune Hotel), loss leader (omzet berkurang namun tetap menjadi leader untuk market share yang ada - contoh: AQUA/air putih/mineral, INDOMI: mi instant).
2. Product: design, technology, usefulness, convenience, value, quality, packaging, branding, accessories, warranties.
3. Promotion: special offers, advertising, endorsements, use trials, direct mailing, leaflets'posters, free gifts, competitions, joint ventures (kerja sama untuk promosi kita dapat % dari yang sudah ditetapkan).
4. Place (tempat dimana kita dapat menitipkan barang kita): retail, wholesale, mail order, internet, direct sales, peer to peer, multi-channel (direct and indirect).
5. People: employees, management, culture (vision and mission), customer service.
6. Process: BLUE PRINT
7. Physical environment: smart, run-down, interface, comfort, facilities.

Blend of the mix depends upon: marketing objectives, type of product, target market, market structure, rivals' behavior, global issues (culture, religion, etc), marketing position, and product life cycle.

To sum up, that's all about the MAS and the Marketing MIX for today's lessons =D happy reading! ^^ GbU

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